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Can Individuals with dementia continue to age at home?


The answer is an emphatic "YES". There is a wealth knowledge and resources to help individuals and their loved ones/caregivers to continue to age together at home, and even while maintaining their overall health. Johns Hopkins Medicine (2024) is just one of the many health systems to help communities to better understand dementia, dementia-causing illness, and proper dementia care. We must also consider that with dementia care, is the need for alignment in caregiver care. With the right guidance, we can help our loved ones age, and even thrive, at home longer, and through end-of-life. Johns Hopkins Medicine (2024). Dementia Care: Keeping loved ones safe and happy at home. Johns Hopkins Medicine.,most%20impactful%20when%20introduced%20early.

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Alejandra Grajeda
Alejandra Grajeda
25. Juni 2024

Awesome! Thank you for the knowledge.

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